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Emmi Roth 给美国带来瑞士酸奶、咖啡饮料

Alps, cheese andchocolate are commonly associated with Switzerland. So is the country’sreputation for precision engineering. Just ask anyone who has taken a cable carto the top of a mountain or owns a Swiss watch. A Swiss dairyprocessor is expanding its presence in the United States by takingprecise steps in developing dairy foods, and then executing marketing programsto gain placement on the shelves of grocery stores, with foodservice operators andin specialty food stores.


Emmi, based in Lucerne,Switzerland, is that country’s largest dairy company. Its U.S. subsidiary, EmmiRoth USA is a producer of premium specialty cheeses and dairyproducts with locations in Orangeburg, N.Y., Monroe, Wis., Penn Yan,N.Y.and Arcata, Calif. In 2009 Emmi purchased RothKase, a company whose focus is crafting and curing European-style specialtycheeses made in Wisconsin. With this purchase, the U.S. subsidiary of Emmibecame known asEmmiRoth USA. (For more about the Wisconsincheese making operation, see “Authentic Art” in theSeptember 2010 Dairy Foods.)

Emmi是瑞士最大的乳制品公司,总部位于卢塞恩,它在美国的子公司是Emmi Roth USA,该子公司在纽约州的奥兰治堡、威斯康星州的门罗、纽约州的彭延和加利福尼亚州的阿克塔都开设了工厂,负责生产优质的特色奶酪和乳制品。Roth Kase曾是一家位于威斯康星洲的公司,它主要运用手工及食品加工法来制作欧式奶酪,2009年时被Emmi收购。收购之后,Emmi位于美国的子公司成为人们所熟知的Emmi Roth USA.(更多关于威斯康星洲的奶酪制作程序,可参看2010年9月版《乳制品》上的《真正的艺术》一文。)

In 2010, EmmiRoth USA acquired CASP LLCinPennYan and CypressGrove Chevre in Arcata. CASP LLC is aproduction facility that produces premium fresh dairy and aseptic products.This allowed Emmi Roth USA to produce its own premium dairy products. CypressGrove, a leader in the domestic goat cheese market, is respected and known forits innovative range of fresh, aged and ripened cheeses. Itoperates independently, but collaborates with Emmi Roth USA.Both cheesemakers are recognized leaders within the U.S. specialty cheesemarket.

2010年,Emmi Roth USA收购了位于彭延的CASP有限责任公司和位于阿克塔的CypressGrove Chevre公司。CASP LLC 是一家生产优质新鲜牛奶及无菌产品的企业,收购后,Emmi Roth USA可独立生产出优质乳制品。Cypress Grove Chevre公司因革新奶酪的新鲜度、陈年性和成熟性而备受赞誉,它的山羊奶酪在国内市场上处于领先地位。Cypress Grove Chevre公司虽独立运营,但它与Emmi Roth USA合作,两家奶酪公司在美国专业奶酪市场都处于领先地位。

Emmi’s operationsin North and South America accounted for 8.1% of totalrevenues in 2010. Through the first six months of 2011, company sales were up2.7%, but sales from the Americas and Europe (excluding Switzerland) increased6.8%. International sales would have increased 20% if exchange rates werestable, the company noted in its half-year report.


SteveMillard is the president and chief executiveofficer of Emmi Roth USA. Heserves on the board ofdirectors along with Reto Conrad (chief financial officer, Emmi Groupe);Matthias Kunz (head of Emmi International); Fermo Jaeckle (former CEO, EmmiRoth USA); Steve McKeon (former CEO, Emmi Roth USA); and Ueli Roth (former CFO,Emmi Roth USA).

在Emmi Roth USA 里,SteveMillard是董事长兼首席执行官,他与Reto Conrad (Emmi法国的CFO)、Matthias Kunz (Emmi全球业务的负责人)、Fermo Jaeckle (Emmi Roth USA的前CEO)、Steve McKeon( Emmi Roth USA的前CEO)以及Ueli Roth ( Emmi Roth USA的前CFO)同为董事会成员。

Emmi Roth USAconsiders itself a producer of premium specialty cheese and dairy foods, withthe majority of its business coming from specialty cheese, Millard says.

To underscorewhere the company’s focus lies, Millard says: “First and foremost we are aspecialty cheese company.”

(Indeed.Rene Weber, the VP of production and international projects,is a master cheese maker who earned the designation by following a rigorousacademic and hands-on regimen in Switzerland. He is amember of theConfrériede Saint-Uguzonsociety,among others.)

Millard 说:“Emmi RothUSA将自己定位为优质专业奶酪及乳制品的生产商,因为其大部分业务来源于专业奶酪。”为了强调公司的核心业务,Millard说:“首先和最重要的,我们是一个生产专业奶酪的公司。”

(确实,公司的产品及全球项目副总裁ReneWeber,还是一个制作奶酪的大师,他在瑞士时,曾因严谨的技术和实践方案而获得荣誉,他还是Confrérie de Saint-Uguzon协会的会员等等。

“We are committedto specialty cheeses in the long term. There is no doubt we will continue tobuild that business.” Millard says.

Emmi’s 2011six-month report stated, “We were very happy with the performance of the cheeseproduced locally by Emmi Roth USA.” Cypress Grove Chevre also reported “soundgrowth” in the period, the report stated.

But Emmi Roth USAhas been developing the market for its other dairy foods, including amilk-based coffee beverage called Caffe Latte, Swiss yogurts and Swiss anddomestic fondue kits.


Emmi在2011年6月的财报上宣称“我们非常高兴Emmi Roth USA能在本土表现得这么好。”财报同样也声明Cypress Grove Chevre在同期也是“健康增长”。

不过,Emmi Roth USA已经开发了其他乳制品的市场,包括基于乳品的咖啡饮料,即拿铁咖啡,还有瑞士酸奶,以及为瑞士和国内做的火锅配件。

Emmi Roth makesthe beverages and yogurts at its production facility in upstate New York. Thefacility also gives Emmi Roth the capability to serve private-label clients,including accounts that buy bag-in-box milk and creamers forfoodservice dispensers.

Caffe Latteis an extended shelf life fresh milk and fresh coffee beverage. Infact, freshness is the unique selling proposition of the product, Millardsays. Sold in the refrigerated grab-and-go section of grocery stores,Caffe Latte racks up $50 million sales in Switzerland, representingdouble-digit growth, according to the company’s annual report.

Emmi Roth在纽约州北部的工厂,负责生产饮料和酸奶,该工厂还能为客户生产自有品牌产品,包括给自动售卖机供应盒中袋牛奶及奶油的客户。


So it is no wonderthat Emmi Roth decided to take the beverage to the UnitedStates, where such drinks are also popular. Sales in the ready-to-drinkcappuccino/iced coffee beverage category increased 5.5% in a recent 52-weekperiod, according to Chicago-based market researcher SymphonyIRI.


Emmi Roth found a co-packing partner inPenn Yan, N.Y. The facility, known as CASP, is the only asepticplant in the United States that manufactures yogurts and milks under thesame roof. The relationship between the client and the co-packer workedout so well that Emmi Roth bought the processing facility outright.(See related article on page 93.)

Emmi Roth在纽约州的彭延市找了一个合作伙伴CASP,其工厂能在同一个厂房里同时加工酸奶和牛奶,且在美国仅此一家。由于合作很顺利,Emmi Roth就把整套加工设备买下来。

In 2008, Emmi Rothlaunched the beverages in the United States, having test-marketed the product atretailers H-E-B in Texas and Wegmansinthe Northeast. Thefresh-milkbeverage is packaged in a tapered cup with afoil seal and a lid. A message on the label instructs consumers to shake thepackage before drinking. Then they peel off the foil, replace the lid and sipthe drink through a hole in the lid. Emmi Rothdeveloped portable coolers for store placement, and the companyencourages retailers to merchandise the beverage in their grab-and-go sections.

在德克萨斯州的H-E-B和东北的Wegmans两大零售公司进行市场测试后,2008年,Emmi Roth正式进军美国的饮料市场。Emmi Roth的鲜奶饮料包装是一个锥形杯,顶部用铝箔纸密封后盖上盖子。包装上的标签指示消费者在喝前要摇一摇瓶身,然后剥掉铝箔纸,再把盖子盖上,最后再从盖上的小孔喝饮料。Emmi Roth还为零售店开发便携式冷藏机,并鼓励零售商把饮料摆放在随手可拿的区域。

The beverages,made with low-fat, rBST-free milk, coffee, sugar andchocolate (or cocoa) are available in vanilla, mocha and cappuccino flavors. Afat-free version is made with nonfat milk, whey protein concentrate and sucralose.A 7.7-ounce low-fat cappuccino has 140 calories, 2 grams of fat and 6 grams ofprotein.

The vanilla flavoruses Fair-trade Certified Coffee. The coffee beans used in the other formulasare sourced from Brazil, Nicaragua and Malabar. Emmi Roth brewscoffee in its Penn Yan plant from coffee beans that are roasted and blended ata nearby facility.

To support thesales of Caffe Latte, Emmi Roth uses coupons, sampling, Catalina couponing,direct mail, radio and trade shows.

Emmi Roth的饮料是由低脂、无rBST牛奶、咖啡、糖及巧克力(或者可可)做成的,有香草味、穆哈咖啡味和卡布奇诺味。其无脂饮料是由无脂牛奶、乳清蛋白浓缩液及三氯蔗糖做成的。7.7盎司的卡布奇诺味含有140卡路里热量、2克脂肪和6克蛋白质。

香草味使用的是公平交易认证的咖啡,而使用在其他配方里的咖啡则来自巴西、尼加拉瓜和马拉巴尔海岸。Emmi Roth将煮咖啡程序放在彭延工厂里,所使用的咖啡豆先经过旁边的设备进行烘烤和混合。

为了促进拿铁咖啡的销售,Emmi Roth充分利用优惠券、试用品、旅游优惠券、邮寄广告、广播及商品展览这些方式来促成。

Smooth,fruit-filled yogurt

Emmiintroduced its Swiss-style yogurts to theUnited States in 2004. Swiss-style yogurt is stirred, with the fruit blended intothe yogurt prior to packaging. The other style, called cup set, hasfruit on the bottom and the yogurt on top, according to Phillip Tong, aprofessor at California Poly State University,San Luis Obispo, and a Dairy Foodscolumnist. The Swiss-style processyields what VP of marketingGuidoKaelin calls “a smooth, creamy textureand premium taste.”


Emmi将其瑞士风格酸奶引入美国是在2004年。瑞士风格酸奶先是把果粒放入酸奶中搅拌,然后再封盖、包装。Phillip Tong认为,另一种风格的酸奶叫套杯,是把果粒放底部酸奶放上层。Phillip Tong不仅是利福尼亚州立工艺大学(位于圣路易斯·奥比斯波)的教授,他还是Dairy Foods的专栏记者。瑞士风格的酸奶,就像Emmi市场部副总裁Guido Kaelin说的一样“光滑、质地柔软且味道最棒”。

EmmiRoth increased the protein content anddecreased the sugars in its formula. Kaelin saysthe company does not use gelatins, gums or thickeners. “That makes the bestyogurt,” he says.

He has athird-party opinion to back that up. In 2009, the American Cheese Society gavea blue ribbon to Emmi’s black cherry yogurt, callingit the best of the competition.

At first a co-packermadethe yogurts, but Emmi Roth moved production to itsPenn Yan plant. It blends fruits not usually found in U.S. yogurts, includinggreen apple and pink grapefruit. Other yogurts flavors are: apricot, berry pomegranate,black cherry, blueberry, coffee, raspberry, strawberry, vanilla bean and plain.

Emmi Roth在配方里增加蛋白质含量,并减少糖分。Kaelin说,我们不使用凝胶、树胶或稠化剂,这样才能做出最好的酸奶。他的话还有第三方可证实。2009年时,美国奶酪协会把蓝带授予Emmi的黑莓酸奶,他们认为那是最具有竞争力的产品。

起初Emmi Roth的酸奶在代加工厂做,后来公司把生产移到彭延的工厂进行。酸奶里混合了在美式酸奶里不常见的水果,如绿苹果和粉葡萄。其他口味的酸奶还有杏仁、石榴干、黑樱桃、越橘、咖啡、覆盆子、草莓、香草豆以及原味。

The yogurt ispackaged in 3.5-inch-wide, 6-ounce foil-sealed plastic cups with a shrink-wrappedlabel. Dairy ingredients can include reduced-fat milk, nonfat dry milk, milkprotein concentrate and whey protein concentrate.

Kaelin focused his marketing on the NewYork City metropolitan area last summer. As part of acampaign titled “Yummi,” EmmiRoth sampled theyogurts in downtown New York City. As passers-by tasted the yogurt, EmmiRoth recorded their reactions and opinions. A series of these interviews is onthe company’s Facebook page.


去年,Kaelin把市场聚焦在纽约市的大都会区。作为 “Yummi”运动的一部分,EmmiRoth在纽约市的商业区对酸奶进行抽样调查。当路人品尝酸奶后,工作人员及时记录他们的反应和意见。同时,在公司Facebook页面上,还有系列相关采访。

Playing in the foodservicemarket

Besides itsbranded retail products, Emmi Roth serves foodserviceoperators. The company is a processor ofbag-in-boxmilkand creamers (from 1% to light cream),supplying foodservice operators at turnpike oases,among other outlets. Emmi Roth also processes coffeeconcentrate for institutional users, like nursing homes and extended-care facilities.The product is added to water to make coffee.


除了品牌型的零售商品,Emmi Roth还向餐饮经营者供应其他产品。公司生产盒中袋牛奶和奶精(反式脂肪酸含量小于1%),供应给付费公路上介于其他经销店之间的店铺。Emmi Roth还为公共机构生产咖啡浓缩物,就像家庭护理和长期护理设备一样方便,只要将它放入水中就可以做出咖啡。

Through the firstsix months of 2011, worldwide sales of Emmi’s dairy products (milk, cream andbutter) increased nearly 88%.In its mid-year report, the company attributed the growth to the asepticproducts (known as “bag-in-box”) made by CASP. Organic growth amounted to110.5%.

The processingequipment in Penn Yan gives Emmi Roth the ability to make a variety of productsincluding traditional milk-based dairy products and premium enhanced dairyproducts like probiotics. The processor can also branch outinto concepts like alcoholic beverages mixes (for example, strawberry dacquirisand mojitos) or high-viscosity foods,like nacho cheese sauces. These capabilities allow Emmi Roth topursue dairy andnondairy co-packing contracts from other brandedand private-label food companies.

2011年的头六个月,Emmi乳制品(牛奶、奶油和黄油)的全球销量增长了88%,在半年报告中,公司认为销量增长的原因是使用相对无菌专业包装技术的无菌产品(也就是盒中袋产品)。因而,其有机增长相当于110.5%。彭延工厂的生产设备可为Emmi Roth生产出多样的产品,包括传统乳制品和增强优质型乳制品如益生菌。同时,该生产设备还可以生产出像酒精饮料混合物这样的产品(例如草莓鸡尾酒、古巴鸡尾酒,或者是高粘度食品,如纳乔奶酪酱)。这种生产能力使得Emmi Roth获得乳制品和非乳制品消费包装的订单,这些订单既有品牌公司的,也有自有品牌食品公司的。

In Wisconsin, EmmiRoth’s cheese division is courting professional chefs. A recipecontest centered around the company’s Buttermilk Blue cheeseearned a pair of chefs from Fargo, N.D.,$1,000 in cash and a trip to Monroe, Wis. A Gruyere recipe contest offered$5,000 in cash and a five-day trip for two to Lucerne,Switzerland.

The range ofproducts — from cheese to milk to yogurt to nondairy foods — and range ofchannels — from fine dining to foodservice to retail — position EmmiRoth for success. The U.S. operation will be helped by management inSwitzerland, which has stated international growth is a goal.

In the years tocome, if U.S. consumers associate yogurt and coffee beverages with Switzerlandas they already do with cheese and fine watches, then Emmi Roth USA’s efforts will have indeed paidoff handsomely.

在威斯康星洲,Emmi Roth的奶酪分部正在招募专业的厨师。通过一场关于奶油奶酪配方的竞赛,公司获得一对来自北达科他州法戈市的厨师,并奖励他们1000美金和一次威斯康星洲门罗旅行的机会。公司还举行一场关于瑞士干酪配方的竞赛,并给获胜者提供5000美金的奖金和到瑞士卢塞恩5日游的机会。

广泛的产品——从奶酪到乳品到酸奶到非乳制品,广泛的销售渠道——从正式餐厅到餐厅服务部到零售店,这些都为Emmi Roth的成功带来保障。美国子公司的运营会得到瑞士管理层的帮助,因为Emmi 的目标是全球增长。

在接下来的时间里,如果美国消费者把酸奶、咖啡饮料与瑞士联想起来,就像他们已经把奶酪、精致表与瑞士联想起来一样,那么Emmi Roth的努力将会获得丰厚的回报。

A Tradition ofAward-winning Cheeses

For the eighthyear in a row, Emmi Roth USA won the blue ribbonin the Hispanic & Portuguese style cheese category of the 2011 AmericanCheese Society competition. ItsGranQueso Reservewonfirst place, a younger version won second place. A naturally smoked Fontina,called Rofumo, placed third in the Smoked Cheese (cow’s milk)category. Emmi Roth USA produces cheeses in Monroe,Wis.

Parent companyEmmi, Lucerne, Switzerland, won eight awards (four goldmedals, two silver and two bronze) at the 2011 Nantwich International CheeseShow in England.


在Emmi Roth成立第八年时,才获得美国奶酪协会颁发的“2011年西班牙&葡萄牙风味奶酪”的蓝绶带荣誉。在公司生产的这些奶酪里,GranQueso Reserve排在第一,它早期的一个产品排在第二,排在第三的是烟熏奶酪(牛奶制品)类别里名叫Rofumo的产品,Emmi Roth USA主要是在威斯康星洲的门罗生产的这些奶酪。



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