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冬去春来 续梦2015


Facing the rising morning sun, waving hands, let s say goodbye to 2014 and say hello to 2015.


We grew one year older, trees grew one more annular ring, a year is passing by quickly. All these happened on our way of pursuing baking dream, unconsciously.


Baking is the sweetest and happiest career in the world. Only those, like you and me, who really throw heart and soul pursuing baking dream understand that it would always touch the soft bottom of heart, whenever it s brought up. You know that it s just too real to doubt about.


Carrying with the spirit, we expected to stride ahead at full speed and great courage, yet blocked by unexpected winter, lasting for the whole 2014.


In December, the very last month of the year, the puzzled crossroad of 2014 and 2015, you hesitate to run questioning when spring would come to end this winter? Should you persist in pursuing the baking dream?


Wait till echoes of questioning gone, a voice answers back, strongly and firmly. It s so encouraging that you can t even help crying. It makes the weakers strong. It helps the gloomys stand up and keep running.


We heard that Alibaba tolled the thrilling bell on NASDAQ. We missed our chances 15 years ago and we won t ever want to miss them again 15 years later. Fortunately, klhpw.com has won the support of lovely fans all around the country. Let s stick together to build a baking financial kingdom that belongs to you and us.

我们看到,畸形的人才供求状况或许无需野蛮掰正,只要开放心胸,认可那些让风投们趋之若鹜的 个性张扬、奇思怪想、敢说故事的90后们。他们虽然很 任性 ,但却正在长大。

We saw that the twisted talent supply and demand situation may not necessarily to twist back to the way we expected. All we need to do is open our mind to tolerate the 90s, who are full of sharp personality, kooky thoughts and always tell inspiring stories to please VCs. It s true that they re willful and they re growing up in their own way.


We delivered our love and care to the earthquake center of Ludian, to comfort those we never met, gathering the power of love to go after our dreams.

你听到了么?那个声音就是 每天唤醒我的不是太阳,而是心中的烘焙梦。

Listen to that inspiring voice every morning, what wakes me up is baking dream of my heart, instead of sun.


You are fighting for your dream, yet it still tortures since you can t tell when it ends. You gotta believe that the field you ve been working on for the whole 2014, will eventually see a bumper harvest in 2015. As long as you keep moving, you would reach any destination you re heading to.


Only if you believe and firmly insist that all possible chances and hopes will be ever this real and tangible when coming to the new chapter of 2015.


Say goodbye to the struggling and tough 2014, like the ending winter, and embrace the warm and refreshing 2015, like the coming spring.


Never stop pursuing your dream. You ll get all pay back one day when it finally comes true.

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